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The TsgDrawingNavigator component is intended for displaying files of various graphic formats. It descends from the TsgCustomControl.

The main features of the TsgDrawingNavigator class:


ActualGraphicThe property returns Picture.Graphic bounded by clipping rectangle or rectangle.
AlignThe property aligns a control to the top, bottom, left, or right of its parent.
AnchorsThe property ensures that a control maintains its current position relative to an edge of its parent.
AutoFocusThe property defines whether control has focus or not and whether it receives keyboard and mouse movement events.
CanvasThe property returns control's canvas.
CenterAlignmentThe property centers the image according to the client control.
ClipRectangleThe property defines whether clipping mode is on or off.
ClipRectCoordsThe property sets or gets clipping rectangle coordinates.
ClipRectPopupMenuThe property sets or gets clipping rectangle coordinates.
ColorThe property changes the background color of the component.
ConstraintsThe property specifies the minimum and maximum width and height of the control.
DragCursorThe property changes the cursor image presented when the component is being dragged.
DragKindThe property gets or sets whether the component participates in drag-and-drop operations, or drag-and-dock operations.
DragModeThe property enables or disables the drag-and-drop or drag-and-dock capability.
EnabledThe property changes the availability of the control to the user.
HorzScrollBarThe property defines horizontal scroll bar.
LinearDimensionsModeThe property returns DWG/DXF distance units modes.
LinearDimensionsScaleThe property sets or gets scale factor.
MouseDraggingThe property defines whether dragging by mouse is available.
MouseScalingThe property defines whether scaling by left mouse is available.
Orbit3DThe property defines whether 3D Orbit mode is on or off.
ParentShowHintThe property ensures that all controls on a form either uniformly show their Help Hints or uniformly do not show them.
PictureThe property specifies the image for the TsgDrawingNavigator component.
PictureHeightThe property returns height of the control's drawing rectangle.
PictureRectThe property sets or gets extents of the control's drawing rectangle.
PictureWidthThe property returns width of the control's drawing rectangle.
PopupMenuThe property makes a pop-up menu appear when the user selects the control and clicks the right mouse button.
RectZoomingThe property defines whether scaling is available by selecting.
ScaleThe property sets or gets scale factor.
ScalingOnMouseWheelThe property permits or forbids scaling by mouse wheel.
ShowHintThe property determines whether the control displays Help Hint when the mouse pointer rests momentarily on the control.
SnapControlThe property returns the object of the TSnapControl class.
StretchThe property defines whether image to be stretched within visible part of the control or not.
VertScrollBarThe property defines vertical scroll bar.
ViewRectModeThe property defines working modes of the ActualGraphic property.
VisibleThe property sets the visibility of the control.
ZoomInChangeThe property defines the scale factor when increasing image.
ZoomOutChangeThe property defines the scale factor when decreasing image.


AfterScaleThe method scales the drawing.
CallPreviousViewThe method views drawing with previous scale and position.
CenterThe method returns center point of the control.
CreateThe method creates and initializes an instance of the TsgDrawingNavigator class.
DestroyThe method destroys the TsgDrawingNavigator object.
EmptyThe method checks that the object exists.
FitToSizeThe method draws and centers image within the borders of the control.
GetDrawingCoordsThe method returns point on the drawing respectively to the input controls' coordinates.
GetDrawingInternalCoordsThe method returns point of the drawing respectively to the entered X and Y coordinates.
GetDrawingInternalCoordsWithoutSnapThe method returns UCS point of the drawing respectively to the entered X and Y coordinates.
GetDrawingUCSCoordsThe method draws and centers image within the borders of the control.
GetRealPointThe method returns the real point.
HasPreviousViewThe method returns True if the drawing was scaled, otherwise returns False.
HeightToWeightRatioThe method returns ratio between height and width of the drawing.
KeepCurrentViewThe method memorizes current scale and position of the drawing.
LoadFromFileThe method loads image file with specified filename.
ShowPointThe method views drawing's point specified by the APoint parameter and sets current scale by the AScale parameter.
ShowRectThe method views image centering specified by ARect in the middle of the control.


OnChangeScaleThe event occurs when control's PictureHeight or PictureWidth properties were changed.
OnClickThe event occurs when the user clicks the control.
OnContextPopupThe event occurs when the user uses the mouse or keyboard to request a popup menu.
OnDblClickThe event occurs when the user double-clicks the mouse.
OnDragDropThe event occurs when the user drags and drops the object.
OnDragOverThe event occurs when a drag-and-dock operation stops.
OnEndDockThe event specifies actions or special processing that when a drag-and-dock operation stops.
OnEndDragThe event specifies any special processing that occurs when dragging stops.
OnMouseDownThe event specifies any special processing that should occur as a result of pressing a mouse button.
OnMouseMoveThe event occurs when the mouse pointer moves after the control has captured the mouse.
OnMouseUpThe event specifies any special processing when the user releases a mouse button.
OnPaintThe event occurs when the system repaints the TsgDrawingNavigator control.
OnPictureMoveThe event occurs when control's PictureRect being changed.
OnProgressThe event occurs during slow operations such as loading large compressed images.
OnStartDockThe event occurs when the user starts a drag-and-dock operation by dragging the control.
OnStartDragThe event occurs when the user starts to drag the control or an object it contains.